
Thursday, 16 August 2018


Explain why Peter Jackson was called the sultan of splatter
He did a lot of horror movies
Discuss reasons for the Peter Jackson success
he made the famous movie The Hobbit and all of the horror movies he made 
Describe the picture above 
shows all of his trophies he won 
Discuss what a possible link between movies and tourism
Movies can promote tourism 
Discuss what a possible link between movies and tourism and culture and national identity of a country
increases tourism and the respect of the country
Find out how Peter Jackson latest projects are progressing 


What is the Fair Trading Act?  
 Its job is making people urge to protect buyers, customers from a
    lie about a product also an unreliable charge.
  1. What is the commerce commission’s goal?
    Commerce Commission charged with a law making that urges a competition in the country's markets and shops that don't allow lies and false prices by traders
  2. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
    Groups and special organizations
4.Understand your compliance obligations

  • What do the acts apply to?
  •  Everyone in the country including them selfs and you.

    1. Does it only apply if you intend to deceive?  Explain?
      No, if you get caught

    1. Whose ‘shoes’ must the business put themselves into?
    customers/ buyers

    1. What is the commission empowered to do?
      I don't know this one?


    A while back I started on my research task and I chose to do Poi, Matariki.
    Whats a Poi?
    Matariki Story
    having trouble opening these links just comment below

    Thursday, 2 August 2018


    What did I learn this Term 
    Nothing really to be honest,
    What challenges did we face  
    sending the files over and getting to the spots of the film,
    What to do differently next time.
    next time, don't let me edit, Mrs.

    What makes a catchy jingle
    A Catchy Rhyme that will catch you, Get it huh?
    A nice, editing, video, that will catch your intention.
    Keep a simple video 
    Make it an easy phrase or song 
    explain your product like what does your product do
    health and safety
    please repeat
    use figures of speech
    make sure its safe

    How does this show my learning
    I'm learning what makes a catchy jingle

    Personal Life→
    Ladi6 was born in november 1982 and lived at christchurch but later had to move to africa for more than a year when she was a teen. She says this is when she started music, later moved to christchurch.
    Early Life →

    Ladi6 had her own child (Philip) is the only child

    Work →
    She started her work at christchurch as a breakdancer for entertainment carrier. At sixteen years old she started her own dancing group (Sheelahroc) and her cousin also voodoo child.